In this tutorial, you will learn HTML Comments
In HTML, comments are used to add notes or explanations within the code that are not displayed in the browser. Comments are a great way to document your code and make it more readable for yourself and other developers. Here’s a tutorial on how to use comments in HTML:
Single-line comments: To create a single-line comment, use the <!– and –> tags. Anything between these tags will be ignored by the browser.
<!-- This is a single-line comment -->
Multi-line comments: To create a multi-line comment, use the <!– at the beginning of the comment and –> at the end of the comment.
<!-- This is a multi-line comment. You can add multiple lines of text or code -->
Commenting out code: Sometimes you may want to temporarily remove a section of code from your HTML without deleting it. You can do this by placing the code between the <!– and –> tags. This will prevent the code from being displayed in the browser but it will still be present in the source code.
<!-- <div>This div will not be displayed in the browser</div> -->
It is also important to note that commenting on your code, especially in big projects, makes it easy to understand the code, and follow the process, also it’s a way to track the changes in the code.
It’s also important to be consistent with your commenting style throughout your codebase. A consistent commenting style will make it easier for others to read and understand your code.